Thursday, December 13, 2012

today i marry my best friend

salah satu deco corner di bilik pengantin, 
jam tu saya beli di parkson, rm 20 lebih kot

love this poem soooo much, took the pain to print it nicely and put it on the table in my room, sadly none of my photog took a close up picture of it. luckily my pengapit took one . =)
(sebenarnya frame ni bridal sanctuary yang punya tapi kosong, so i print cantik cantik this poem and lekatkan kat frame yang kosong tu)


  1. jam tu menarik sbgai dekolah... :)

  2. saya suka warna dia, pink gitu, masuk pulak ngan warna bunga. nampak kat parkson terus je sambar, heheh

  3. a'ah.suke sangat jam tu

    But of course yg pLg best poem tu! =)

  4. love both!!! jam n poem!! ouchhh!
